About us

meet our team

About Us

Imuno Brasil is a company that operates in the health sector, offering medical services for patients with immune-mediated diseases, specializing in rheumatology, neurology, gastroenterology, dermatology and immunology. It has in DNA the tradition of excellence in treatments by Cobra Reumatologia, with the innovation of State-of-the-art technology.

Led by Dr. Jayme Fogagnolo Cobra, the group’s performance is based on the following cornerstones: Excellence in care service, physicians’ appreciation, and strengthening partnerships with hospital centers of excellence. In this way, the treatment of immune-mediated diseases in a systemic way, always aiming the best clinical outcome for the patient, also considering the sustainability of the health sector.

Tradition of excellence treatments from Cobra Reumatologia, with the innovation of cutting-edge technologies.

Created with the mission of expanding people’s access to quality treatment.

Imuno Brasil brings together more than 150 specialist physicians, highly qualified professionals for the care of immune-mediated diseases, who are nationally and internationally recognized references in their specialties, and who work in more than 33 hospitals and several clinics and offices in São Paulo and expanding to other states in the country. In all, more than 8,000 patients are treated per month in our specialties, always aiming for the best outcome for each case.

  • Ícone Service locations

    33+Service locations

  • Ícone Doctors


  • Ícone Follow-up patients

    30.000+Follow-up patients